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Notes d'accès :

*Vous pouvez avoir accès à toutes les bases de données ci-dessous chez vous avec votre carte de bibliothèque.

Bases de données

Ancestry Library:

Delivers billions of records in census data, vital records, directories, photos, and more. It brings the world’s most popular consumer online genealogy resource to
libraries, and offers an unprecedented online collection of individuals from North America,the UK, Europe, Australia, and more.
 (Anglais seulement)

Canadian Points of View Reference Centre:

Contains resources that present multiple sides of a current issue, including key topics of interest to Canadian researchers. It provides rich content that can help students develop persuasive arguments, better understand controversial issues and develop analytical thinking skills. (Bilingue)

Consumer Health Complete:

Supports the information needs of patients and fosters an overall understanding of health-related topics. It provides content covering all key areas of health and wellness, from mainstream medicine to the many perspectives of complementary and holistic medicine. (Bilingue)


Little PIM:

Little Pim is the leading language teaching method designed just for children. The short

5-minute videos hold their focus so they can begin their language learning journey on their own. (Bilingue)

Mango Languages:

Used by over 90 Libraries in Ontario, Mango Languages’ PhD-created, linguist-approved language-learning software teaches practical conversation in over 70 languages, while keeping the vibe fun and encouraging. (Bilingue)

Novelist Plus:

NoveList has been helping readers find their next favorite book for more than 20 years, and continues to develop innovative solutions for connecting readers, books, and libraries. By helping libraries help readers, NoveList empowers libraries to engage and inspire their communities. (Anglais seulement)

Novelist K-8:

NoveList has been helping readers find their next favorite book for more than 20 years, and continues to develop innovative solutions for connecting readers, books, and libraries. By helping libraries help readers, NoveList empowers libraries to engage and inspire their communities. (Anglais seulement)


Find over 2.3 million items and collections from libraries, archives, museums, historical societies, community groups, and government ministries. (Bilingue)

Le financement pour l'accès aux bases de données ci-dessus est fourni par le gouvernement de l'Ontario. 


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